What I’m Thankful For
Extraordinary days can be joyous and they can be devastating, but rarely are they both at the same time. That’s the thing that makes organ transplants so profound. While recipients and their loved ones rejoice at... read more
Extraordinary days can be joyous and they can be devastating, but rarely are they both at the same time. That’s the thing that makes organ transplants so profound. While recipients and their loved ones rejoice at... read more
Take Pride In Your Craft Hammering out fenders and getting door seams to line up is labor-intensive, but it’s amazing what can be done with a tube of bondo, sand paper, elbow grease and a little... read more
Urgent Notice The D.P.D.Z. is issuing this public notice to all designers in regards to a recent outbreak of designer zombieism. While exact causes have yet to be determined, all are advised to exercise caution when... read more
The greatest feeling for me as a kid was looking into a mixed box of Legos After prying open the stuck-on lid to see where imagination could go: A green army base with a red laser... read more
Update: Surprise—This post is now outdated & is about a previous version of this site. To learn more about what I’ve got cooking now, click here. It may not look like it, but this version is... read more
Nature always wins & the bums will always lose. My wife and I lived in both Austin and the Houston area during the first few years of our marriage. With hopes of ending the youthful, transient... read more