Ten Years
Paravel is ten years old! In 2007 we’d just filed the LLC and started the first web project substantial enough to delude us into believing that Paravel could be a long-term endeavor.
And we’re still here! I don’t have anything profound to say or any one-size-fits-all business advice to give. My 2007 self probably imagined hitting the decade mark with a countdown clock, confetti, and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment and pride. In reality, I mostly just feel gratitude.
The web community continues to inspire and support us—our clients continue to trust us and bring us exciting projects. And hell… Dave and Reagan continue to show up every day dedicated to the team and to the work at hand.
Things rarely turn out exactly as you plan, but if you’re lucky you’ll find they turn out better than you imagined. Thank you! Here’s to the next ten!