Posts Tagged “Lettering.js”

In Flux

I had my brand new retina display iPad (all 3.1 million pixels) in one hand and the panic button in the other. I was sure the pixel-dense screen would take the websites we’ve built and peel... read more

New Adventures 2012

I’ll never look at my 1 year old’s car seat the same way again. My wife and I lugged it (along with suitcases, diaper bags, and of course the kid himself) from airport terminal, to cab,... read more

New Adventures Workshop

The time for New Adventures is nearly upon us! I’ve been building slides for my talk as well as prepping materials for my workshop on controlling web typography. The plan is to spend some time exploring... read more

Things Still Missing From CSS

Molly Holzschlag wrote a great article for .Net Magazine outlining seven things still missing from CSS. She gets into web fonts on #5, which is my favorite. I particularly liked this point: Fine control remains elusive... read more


I’m a happy camper. I just moved into a new office space that’s directly suited to the way I work, think, and create. Months ago, I wrote about improving the working environment inside my desktop, and... read more

Content Choreography

The concept of permanently placing content on a web page for a single browsing width or resolution is becoming a thing of the past. Media-queried responsive & adaptive sites afford us the ability to re-architect content... read more

Converge SE 2011 Slides

My Paravel cohorts Dave, Reagan and I had a great time conferencing at Converge SE this summer. If you missed it or want a refresher you can check out the example site from our Designing With... read more

Fit To Scale

My site is now responsive. The more I work with flexible images & grids and media queries, the more I appreciate what can be achieved. Any apprehension I may have had about whether or not a... read more

Making It Personal

Trophy Barbershop is a magical place—with wild game stuffed and mounted on the walls, leopard skin chairs, and scrappy old tattooed barbers slinging shears. It was the place in Baytown, TX, to get your standard-issue bowl... read more

You Are What You Eat

The work you take on can define you—it’s what you practice, what you get recognized for, and what you’ll be hired to do next. I recently had a nice sum up the year chat with Frank... read more

Controlling Web Typography

Lettering.js was built to solve a problem. As web typography improves, web designers want the same level of control print designers have. Just as we’ve moved beyond Helvetica and Times New Roman, we’ve begun to think... read more

Lost World’s Fairs

IE9 public beta is here, and I’ve had the fair fortune to be recruited by The Friends of Mighty to showcase its support for the Web Open Font Format (WOFF). A while back, Jason Santa Maria... read more