CSS Hyphenation
After reading this Fontdeck Blog post a few of weeks ago, I dropped an exciting new CSS property into the stylesheet for this blog. Wanting to test hyphenation on all my posts and pages, I applied... read more
After reading this Fontdeck Blog post a few of weeks ago, I dropped an exciting new CSS property into the stylesheet for this blog. Wanting to test hyphenation on all my posts and pages, I applied... read more
Since upgrading to Lion I’ve noticed a font rendering issue with Safari 5.1. Sites were randomly displaying some web-safe and web-served fonts with the Last Resort font, AKA “Block-A Characters.” These can appear for a variety... read more
In certain situations, RGBa (red, green, blue, alpha) and HSLa (hue, saturation, lightness, alpha) color values can save the day. It’s widely supported in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, and IE 9, and when working with box-shadow,... read more
Originally when I CSSed the round avatars on the DesignSwap comments area, I used the -webkit-mask-image property. I was really proud of how neat and effective this was until I realized you could apply border-radius to... read more
I use the column-count & column-gap property on the search page of this site to break my Tags list into 4 columns. Because the content is dynamic, I couldn’t just hard code each column, and I... read more
I did my fair share of testing this site on an iPad during development. In most cases, the version of Mobile Safari found on the iPad renders pages like any other standards-based browser. Only when I... read more
Since downloading Safari 5, I’ve been incorporating some new extensions into the ol’ workflow. While I typically use CSSEdit to pick apart code in-depth, Jeremy Hubert’s Live CSS Editing Extension allows Safari users to make quick,... read more
This morning I saw a couple of tweets from @seangaffney and @maxvoltar about the CSS text-rendering property, which is in the W3C Working Draft. Aesthetically Loyal has outlined the differences in kerning pairs and browser support... read more