Trimming The Fat
The last version of this site lasted just under a year. That may seem like a short amount of time until you consider how quickly things change on the web. @font-face usage has been fortified by... read more
The last version of this site lasted just under a year. That may seem like a short amount of time until you consider how quickly things change on the web. @font-face usage has been fortified by... read more
I Mean No Harm Hopefully this post will not create the same response as when Orson Wells narrated the War of the Worlds on the radio. I don’t want anyone jumping out of any windows or... read more
A New Paravel Venture At Paravel, we love movies. We talk about them, quote them, and gather design inspiration from them. We’ve named our web servers Gozer & Zuul. One of our home page banners has... read more
Uncharted Territory With the addition of the CSS3 transition property comes a lot of uncharted territory. Never before has it been so easy to bring animation into a usable, standards-based browsing environment. Determining how often and... read more
Put on your critical thinking caps… In web design there are very few absolutes. There are multiple ways to markup pages, limitless directions a design can take and no single right or wrong way to run... read more
Multi-touch will change everything For years, web designers have been working within a firmly established jig. Books have been published, studies have been conducted and businesses have been built on a handful of fundamental interface design... read more
Browsing Habits Part of user-experience design is considering how elements on a web page compete for attention. We spend so much time prioritizing the prominence of items within a page while making little consideration for what... read more
Nature’s Greatest Grain I never liked the sloppy, bland look of oatmeal as a kid. Having adults hype it to me as a heart-healthy food “that’ll keep you regular” didn’t make me want to try it... read more
The CMS Cycle So, an organization spends tens of thousands of dollars to build a website upon a full-access Content Management System (CMS) platform. Over the coming months every department head is issued an administrative login,... read more