A New Typofonderie.com
Today, Paravel launched the new responsive website for Typofonderie. We had a great time with the challenges that arose from building a font-selling, ecommerce-driven, responsive web site. We took extra care to scale things like category & search navigation, and to preserve image hierarchy (like the home page banner graphic).
This project was a collaborative effort. Jean François Porchez and the Typofonderie team designed their new logo and all the specimens & images found on the live version of the site. They’ve been adding content to the new site for a couple of months now, and it’s great to see them fully moved in. Taecho Group worked with us on development, primarily in the Ecommerce department. Adam and Robert are the real deal, and the Paravel team was thrilled to seize the opportunity to work with our Austinite comrades.
The Typofonderie fonts were a joy to work with. We used Allumi and Le Monde Courrier for the site text and spent a great deal of time getting to know the typefaces while developing some guides for specimen creation. Here are a few samples of what Paravel came up with:

Thanks to Typofonderie for all their hard work, and for hiring us. Now, go buy some fonts!