I recently got a question about CSS experimentation from Paddy O’Hanlon, and I thought it warranted a quick post. @TrentWalton I’m reading your interview in the new Insites Book. You mention testing out new CSS. Where... read more
Lettering.js was built to solve a problem. As web typography improves, web designers want the same level of control print designers have. Just as we’ve moved beyond Helvetica and Times New Roman, we’ve begun to think... read more
You’ve gotta appreciate the imageless design elements the CSS box-shadow property makes possible. No more slicing up 3 jpgs to recreate the depth so easily gained in Photoshop. Lately, we’ve been using box-shadow:inset on some Paravel... read more
This morning I saw a couple of tweets from @seangaffney and @maxvoltar about the CSS text-rendering property, which is in the W3C Working Draft. Aesthetically Loyal has outlined the differences in kerning pairs and browser support... read more