Designer & Web Builder
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New music! Follow and listen along here.
We shipped Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia in an immersive-responsive-website-book-thingy format.
Luro is launched! Track your components in your product, build a design system, get accessibility and web performance insights, etc. Learn more.
We recently updated with a services section that includes pages about design systems and prototypes. Read more about it here.
I am transferring my font-shopping bookmarks to a webpage so you can see them too. Browse by display, sans, and serif fonts here.
We published two new TMFO posts. One for Burt Reynolds, and another one called Punch Dancing.
Near and dear to our hearts, DayTrip is a Paravel project designed to make it easy to find something great to do and someplace great to go. Austin/Texas area private beta out now.
Device Agnostic summarizes how I view and approach building for the web. My perception has been shaped while working on responsive, component-based systems on a large-ish scale.
I was thrilled that Typekit and Dave Shea asked me to contribute a theme to CSS Zen Garden to celebrate its recent responsive update. Read about the process here and here.